1601 N Turner St. Suite 420, Hobbs, NM 88240

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Abortion Pills

Abortion pills are medications that produce abortion. At Freedom Care, we offer abortion pills to patients up to 12 weeks into their pregnancy for the purpose of terminating their pregnancy. This is also known as a medical abortion, a nonsurgical abortion, or a medication abortion. It is a process in which we legally provide you with medications that will end the pregnancy and allow you to pass the pregnancy tissue in the privacy of your own home.

In the abortion pill process we follow, you will first receive an ultrasound, lab tests, and a counseling session. After this, you will also meet with one of our female health care providers. She will review your medical record, answer your questions, and discuss your options with you. Once you and your provider decide to move forward with using abortion pills to terminate your pregnancy, then we will administer the first medication during your appointment. We will watch you swallow the abortion pill while you are here in New Mexico, where abortion is 100% legal. Then we will provide you with any additional medications to take home with you, for use in the next day or two.

The abortion pills stop pregnancy growth and release the remaining tissue from the uterus. There are no sedatives involved with abortion pills, so you will be able to drive yourself home afterward. If you have any problems or if the medical abortion doesn't work (it works over 95% of the time), then you are welcome to return to us and we will take care of you.

Please contact us at 575-205-8540 to speak with our patient support team or to schedule your appointment for an abortion with abortion pills.